Sun Certified Enterprise Architect, Java, EE5 Upgrade Exam certification is easy for candidates to get now. Killtest has released the latest version of SUN certification 310-053 exam, which can help you have a good understanding of the exam subjectives. Before you decide to take the exam, you should know the exam details of SUN certification 310-053 exam.
Delivered at: Authorized Worldwide Prometric Testing Centers
Prerequisites: Passed (CX-310-051/CX-310-300A,CX-310-052)
Other exams/assignments required for this certification: None
Exam type: Multiple choice and drag and drop
Number of questions: 48
Pass score: 70% (29 of 48 questions)
Time limit: 120 minutes
After you have a good command of the exam details, you can find the practice test on the internet by search engine. You will find killtest is your best and wise choice. Killtest SUN certification 310-053 real Q&As are designed by our certified IT professionals and experienced experts, who collect all the latest 310-053 exam information.