Killtest has released the latest compTIA A+ 220-702 real Q&As for a long time. Recently, killtest has updated 220-702 exam, which is the latest version in the world market. There still are a lot of customers, who need the latest compTIA A+ 220-702 test questions. There are 100 questions including in compTIA A+ 220-702 actual test, which will spend candidates 90 minutes on finishing the exam. The passing score of compTIA A+ 220-702 exam is 700 on a scale of 100-900.
How many questions including in killtest compTIA A+ 220-702 exam? It has 451 Q&As. Killtest compTIA A+ 220-702 test questions are very useful for you to take the exam. Once you used killtest 220-702 real Q&As, you can get free update for one year.
A user reports that their computer is running considerably slower after visiting a website. The user's PC has a current antivirus package that is running correctly. Which of the following should the technician do FIRST in order to diagnose the problem?
A.Clear the web browser history.
B.Run an anti-spyware tool.
C.Defrag the user's hard drive.
D.Run the CHKDSK utility.
Answer: B
Which of the following protocols would a technician use to run commands on a remote computer?
Answer: D